Tips On Papercrafting

Ok, so here are the tips everybody should know before starting a papercraft.

- - - - - - - : mountain fold
._._._._._._. : valley fold
_____________ : cut

For the lined template, it's very easy : just score or fold (depends on the materials you have at home. if you don't have something to score with, fold. logic) then cut out (score before cutting, or fold after cutting) and then, glue in order and here you have your model.

And for the lineless templates (which i'm still not able to use since i'm kind of a beginner in papercrafting) i believe all you need is to fold the tabs and glue as if it was totally normal. And since there is no lines to show where to score/emboss, there is no need to score/emboss except for special parts 

(like for porygon. who would be stupid enough not to score the model. porygon is all about scoring. but i don't like porygon, so i never made the model. perhaps i should try with the epic "lineless" template that confuse me each time i gather enough courage to open the pdf T-T)

Okay, the about the materials. They say you need a cutter and a special glue you can only find in America and a (magic) self healing cutting mat. I'm not a pro so all i have is the regular universal glue (in french "colle scotch" XD), at first the big clumsy scissors then i chose those little scissors you can use for cutting your nails. These ones are perfect for papercrafting (and from now on my hatred for tabs gradually disappeared).

For the paper, DO NOT USE REGULAR PAPER (except for models like chibi characters. let's say only for very very easy models) use no less than 120gsm in weight. 

Great ! Now you know how to make your papercraft look even better ! After, i believe you'll learn with experience ^^